Monday, March 31, 2014

March 30, 2014 PCCF Weekly Online Sermon

Salai Paul Khin Maung Thein

“A can kha a phan cang,Pathian Pennak cu a phan dengmang cang.Nan sual nak kha kal tak hna u law thawng tha kha zum tuah u” tiah a ti hna" Mathai4:17

Bia Domhnak

Pathian pennak ram chung luhnak dingah hin midingmi pakhathmanh kan um hna lo caah Jesuh hi vawlei ah nunnak pek tiangin misual  tlanhding in a ratnak a si. Jesuh a chimmi Pathian Pennak thawngtha nih zei lam dah zul hnaseh ti akan duh biak ti hi bible vun zoh hna u sih.

Jesuh nih A Pa rian tuan ai thok tikah  a chim hmasami bia a si: Mathai4:17
Jesuh cu a Pa a Pathian nih a fial mi rian tuan ai thok tik ah a chim hma sa bik mi bia cu Pathian pennak kong a si.Pathian pennak ram a luh duh mi hna nih zei hi dah Pathian pennak luh cu a si tiah ai ruat palh mi hna sin ah biatak chim hram ai thok.Judah cawm piak tu hna le Farasi mi hna nih cun Pathian pennak cu thilthal an tuah nak thawng in kan lut kho lai tiah an I ruah.An mah tluk thil tha a tuah kho lo mi hna tu kha an nihsawh hna.An hrial hna.Thla an cam hmanh ah an mah bantuk in ka sual lo caah ka lawm tiah an thla an cam.Thil tha tuah nak in Pathian pen nak ram chung luh an I tim.Jesuh nih a chim mi Pennak ah cun “nan sual nak kha kal tak hna u law thawngtha kha zum tuah u,” tiah a ti hna.Pathian pennak a ti mi cu Pathian uk nak tinak a sual lam a si.Jesuh nih a chim mi thawngtha nih Pathian pen nak nih a uknak kha vaw lei cung ah a thawk cang ti a langhter.Khamh nak nih minung sual nak le khuachia dohnak kha a tei tiah Pathian pennak nih a chim.Minung kan tuah ser nak nih Sehtan pen nak cu kan tei khawh lo ding ai fiang tuk caah Jesuh hi vaw lei ah a rak chan cu a si.Kan mah te in thil tha kan tuah thluah mah lai I kan thih hnu hlawng ah pei vawlei ah kan rak tuah ser nak hman tlak in Pathian nih bia an kan ceih te lai .tiah thih hnu vawcung pen nak kong ah ai ruat mi an um ve.Jesuh nih cun  Pathian Pen nak cu a tu hi a ra lio tiah a thanh.Luke10:9 ah  Pathian Pennak cu nan pawngte a phancang,tiah va chim hna u a ti.Kan um nak vaw lei ah Pennak pek kan si cang nak thawngtha kha athanh..Amen…….

Pathian Pennak ram luh ai palhmi cawmpiaktu  hna 

Mathai23:13 Phungbia cawm piak te saya hna le Farasin mi hna,nan caah ngaihchia a va si dah!Midepde hna.Van cung pemnak cu mi kha nan kharkanh hna.asinain nan mah cu nan lut duh tung lo I luh a duhmi zong nan awmh tung hnalo.
Pathian pennak luh nak ding ah cun Nansualnak kha kaltak hna u ti hi nan sual nak kha I ngaihchih u ti nak a si.Nan lung I thlen u ti nak a si.Lungtlen ti tik ah sual nak nih a rak uk ton mi a thinlungnih a rak duh bik mi sual nak he ai ciahmi pa nih sual nak a huat I akal tak kha sual ngaihchih le lungthlen a sullan cu a si .Pathian velngeih nak lo in khamh nak a um kho lo.

Pathian Pennak luh ding in mah nun I chek ta a hau
Mirum tlang val pa nih cun “Saya ,hi nawl bia vialte hi cu ka ngak chia lio in ka zulh leng mang ko cang hna” tiah a caah Jesuh kha,Zeidah ka bau rih “tiah a hal.Jesuh hmai ah a mah cu Pathian nawl bia ka buar lo I a sual lo mi hmai zarh awk tlak le midik a si ti kha a langhter.Jesuh nih dengteo in a vun zoh I,”Pakhat lawanglawng nabau,va kal law na gneih mi vialte kha va zuar law tangka cu sifakmi khat va then hna:cun van cung ah rothil na ngei lai: cun ra law ka zul’tiah a ti.Jesuh le mirumtlang val pa khar lak I a um mi cu a ngeihmi thil vialte kha a si.Zung zal nun nak co awk ah a caah dawntu cu arum nak kha a si.Pathian I bochan lo in a rum nak kha a bochan.Pathian biak lo in a rum nak kha a pathian a si I a biak ti kha Jesuh nih a hngalh.Mah fim nak hnga kan I bochan tuk sual maw.Bible sianginn ka kai tiah mah cawmnak kha a pakhat nak ah chiah in Pathian tu kha a pahnih nak hna  kan chiah sual  maw?Khrih fa bu  le peng le followship kan dawt kan ti nak ah thla rua tlau chanh chuah manh  lo  in kan um  sual maw? Mathai 16:19 ah Jesuh nih Peter cu. Vancung pennak hun nak tawhfung cu kan pek lai I vawleicung I na hrenhmi cu vancung zong ah hrenh a si lai I vawlei cung I na awmhmi cu vancung zong ah awnh a si lai,tiah a ti .Zei kan tuah mi poah ah an kan hmu tu kan  Pathian hi tih ko u sih.Vawi lei hmanh ah zumh awk tlak in kan nun lo ah cun a tianghlin tuk mi van mi hmanh nih a thiang,atiang ,a tiang,tiah ah  an thang that peng mi  vancung um ding  ah awnh an si lai lo tiah bible bia a si.A thawh I,Zungzal nun nak hmunh awk ah pakhat te hlawng na bau.Jesuh nih mirum thlang valpa cu a herh mi thleng te kha a chimh.Na ngeih mi thil vial te kha va zuar hna.Na zuarmi tangka cu misifak kha vape hna law ,cun vancung ah chaw na ngei lai.Cu ti I na tuah hnu ah cun ra law,rak ka zul,tiah a ti.
Pathian nih minung hi a mah Pennak chung luh nak ding in a kan awh tik ah minung kan sining te in an ka awh.Cheu khat cu sifak,hlawh hlang,mifir,a zaw mi hna le nga tlai ,ngun khuai khawl tu ti an si cio hna.Minung an si caah pakhat le pakhat a awhhna ning an I lo cio ve loh.Jesuh nih mirum tlang val pa cu zul tu hna bu chung I luh ve awk ah a sawm.Zultu hna bu chung I luh ve awk ah cun,a hmasa bik ah a ngeih chiah,chawva le thilri vialte khan a hilh phuah a hau.Mirum pa a awh nak hi phun (2) te in zoh tuah u sih law,pakhat ah cun mirumngai ngai a si caah a ngeih mi chaw va le thil ri vial te kha a zuar dih I tang ka kha misifak pek a fial.Cun mirum pa cu uk tu pakhat a si caah toidornak a si hnga mi vai lamtah nak I put I am ah zulh kha a fial ,Jesuh nih zung zal nun nak Pathian Pennak cu co ding in a chim ,sihmahsehlaw a ruah ning kha a khup le thal a leh.Kan nih cio zong Pathian Pennak kan co khawh nak ding ah vaw lei thil nih an ka tleih rih mi a um maw.Kan thlau kho rih lo mi keimah ti lung put ,ka fim ka thiam ,ka rum ,a ruang phun phun tam pi lak ah thil pakhat te hna nih Pathian pennak chungluh ding ah donkhan tu hna kan I ngeih rih sual maw? Mathai.5:3 ah “Michan bau ka si ti aa hngalmicu lung laawmmi nan va si dah.Van cung pennak cu nan mah ta a si.” Haleluijah.. 

Thiltha tuahnak in Pathian Pennak ram luh khawh a si lo.
Mat19:16 nih cun “Saya zungzal nunnak coawk ah thil tha zei dah ka tuah awk a si?” tiah a hal a ti. Mah pa hal pa hi(Mat19.22) ah cun “A mah cu tlangval mirum ngai ngai a si tiah a ti .Luka18:18 ah cun “A mah cu Judah mihruai tu a si tiah a ti.Nikodemu bantuk in pumpak in Jesuh cu zan ah thli te in a fuk lo.Mizapi hmai ah langhngan te in lamka lai ah khan a khuk aa bil I Zung zal nun nak kong ah tuah ding mi a hal mi pa a si.Mirum tlang valpa nih zung zal nun nak co aduh caah a hlat hlai .Thil tining le zia za ning cang kha a ngei tak tak.A lungchung ah thla rau lei thil duh nak a um tak tak .Cucaah zung zal nun nak co awk ah zei dah tuah a herh tiah a tik ah Jesuh cu fak aa zuam hma sa I “Saya,nangmah cu mitha na si.Zungzal nun nak hmuh awk ah zei dah ka tuah lai? Tiah a hal.Mitha ti cu nemnak in fak nak bia a si.Jesuh nih cun”zeicah dah ,saya tha,na ka ti?Pathian dah ti lo cua hohmanh a tha mi an um tung lo”.Jesuh nih mirum tlangval nih hin a ka fak ti kha a hngalh I a fak nak cu a hlawt.A men…Jesuh cu Faknnak bia theih kha a duh lo.Minung hlawng hi fak a duh mi kan si.Mah rian ka tuan lio ah le Hruai tu ka si lio ah  mah thil tha ka tuah mi a si.Kei mah umhlah ning law mah rian pi hi a tlam tling hna loh’.A can ah kan si lo mi kha cu cu na si,na thiam,na hngal, naa dawh,midawh iangei na si tiah an kan fak tik ah kan I lawm I faknak cu theih kan duh chinlengmang.Jesuh cu fak a duh lo.A men………
Miphun kip le khua za kip ah Pathian Pem nak ram kauh ter kho tu si ding in Pathian rian tuan khawmh nak tha zang thar thla chuah kan  pe ko seh..Amen.
 Khrih ah U pat nak he,
Khin Maung Thein

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014 Weekly Online Sermon


By: Pastor Hrang Kulh Lian

1.                  Minung cu a thi ding kan si.
Mi vialte cu kan sual dih cio ko i Pathian sunparnak kha kan bau dih cio ko. (Rom 3:23; Eze 18:4). Kan nih nih sualnak kan ngei lo kan ti ahcun kanmah le kanmah kan i hlen a si i kan chungah bia tak a umlo(1Jn 1:8). Cucaah nifatin kan nunnak ding caah rian tuan kan hau. Cu kan tuan mi rian cu sullam a ngei i man zong a ngei fawn. Cucaah zei thil paoh hmanh nih man an ngei dih cio. Cu bantukin sualman cu thihnak a si (Rom 6:23). Cu thihnak nih cun mi nung a kan thlei dang lo i mi zei paoh kha a kan huap dih. Cu thihnak kong kan van ruah tik paoh ah hin a thi hmasa ding mi cu zawtnak a ngei mi, mi zaw zual, le tar nu tar pa hna kan mit thlam ah kan cuan ter hna i kan mah cu i telh chih kan duh lo.  Sihmanhsehlaw cu thihnak fak bik cu taksa thihnak lawng si lo in zungzal thlarau thihnak tiang a chuhpi caah tih nung bik a si. (Gen 2:17). Cun hell chungah pum he tlarau he a that kho tu Pathian tu kha va tih u (Mtt 10:28b).
2.                  Pathian sin in kan tlau
Luke 15:1 ff, kan zoh tik ah thil tlau pathum kong kan hmuh.  Pakhatnak ah kan hmuh mi cu Tuu tlau kong a si. Kan nih cu kan dihlak in a tlau mi tuu bantukin kan si. (Isaiah 53:6a). Tuu tlau cu a Bawi pa le a hawi le sin in lam hlat nak ah a kal. Amah te lawng a si caah ai nuam ngai. Caan a hung rauh deuh i khua a hun muih tik ahcun thil dang tihnung mi a van ton i thin phang in a um caah ai chir. Asinain kir nak ding lam a thei ti lo. Cuve bantukin mi tampi sualnak chungah kan tlu, kan thi cang lai ti kan i thei ko nain sualnak chung in kan chuak kho lo i kir thannak lam zong kan hmu kho lo. Satan nih kan nunnak a uk caah a si.
 Pahnihnak cu tang ka tlau kong a si. Tang ka cu a ngei tu nih inn chungah a thlau mi a si. Sihmanhsehlaw a tlau mi tang ka nih a tlau le tlau lo ai thei lo. A tlau nain tang ka a si nak a man a zawr hlei lo. Asinain hman khawh a si ve lo. Cu bantukin mi tampi kan Khrihfabu chungah, kan phanhnak hmunkip ah kan tlau. Hman awktlak, bochan awktlak, le zumhawktlak lo tiangin kan nun a tlau ko nain, kan  tlau le tlau lo kan i thei lo. Kan khrihfa sinak men lawng a tang.
Pathumnak cu fapa tlau kong a si. Pa inn chungah le Pa duh dawtnak chungah umnak in mah te in um kha kan duh deuh. Sual chungah a nuamh khawh chungin kan vak vai i kan i nuam. Sual si a har zia le a thei par a khat zia kha kan van theih tik ahcun kan nunnak a donghnak ah a phan cang. Cucaah Pathian thluachuah he a tlau kho mi kan sinak a langhter.  Pathian he nuam tein a leng ti ding kan si nain kan sual ruangah Pathian he kan i then, cucaah Rom 1:18,Pathian thin hunnak cu van cung in a rung lang i minung sualnak le that lonak dihlak cungah khan a rung tlung; cu an that lonak cu biatak kha langkho loin a dawntu an that lonak kha a si.”
3.                  Taksa hrin cu taksa a si.
Cucaah nu le pa nih hrinnak cu taksa hrinnak lawng a si caah, cu taksa nunnak a dih ahcun thlarau caah tih nung a si. Kan dihlak in thihnak kan hrial kho lo. Kan chuah ah kan tap i kan thih ah kan tap. Cucaah taksa nun lawng ai rinh mi paoh cu taknak in kan i thok i tahnak in kan nun a dong than. Vawlei ah nun man kan ngei lo. Minung ti mi hi cu vial lawng maw kan can tawk a si kun? Cu vial lawng kan si ding ahcun ram sa he kan i dannak a um tung ne lo.  Cucaah Joh 3:6, chungah kan hmuh mi cu; “Pumsa lei in ti ahcun mi cu a nu le a pa chungin a chuak mi a si, asinain thlarau  hrin si awk ah cun Thlarau in a chuakmi a si awk a si.” Cu bantukin taksa in voikhat lawng hrinnak cu zungzal thihnak a si. Cucaah cu a thimi thlarau cu zei hmanh a tuah kho mi a si ti lo caah, bawmtu a herh cang. Cu thlarau thihnak in a kan thawhter kho tu cu “Jesuh Khrih thiangthlarau” bawmhnak thawng lawnglawng in a nungthan mi kan si. Cucaah Eph 2:5 chung ahcun, “A nawl kan ngeih lo ruang i thlarau lei in kan thih ko lio ah khan  Khrih sinah cun a kan nun ter. Khamh nan sinak cu Pathian vel thawng in a si. Cucaah Pathian pennak chungah kan luh khawh nakhnga hrinthan/ pianthar kan herh ko. (Jn 3:3).

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014 Weekly Online Sermon

Living a Life of giving
Text: Acts 20:32-35:  
Saya Kio Nawl Hmung 
There are different kinds of giving in the life of each believer. Jill Briscoe says, “Beyond giving of our material possessions, God calls upon us to give ourselves away-our time, energy and passion.” This statement reminds us to give what we have, what we could and what we are willing to give to others those who are in need. This morning I would like to share with you what I called “Living a Life of Giving.”
Text: Acts 20:32-35:  “Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
The book of Acts chapter 20:13-38 talks about the Apostle Paul’s relationship with Ephesian believers especially with the elders. It talks about how he had cared for them and loved them, he even cried over their needs. Verse 19 says I served the Lord with great humility and with tears although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. As Paul was about to leave Ephesus he encouraged the elders to serve the Lord with all their hearts in full commitment to God.  
In this passage I would like to focus on verse 35.... in everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive. This is the only direct quote from Jesus’ earthly ministry recorded outside the gospels. This particular word of Jesus is not recorded in the gospels but this teaching is manifested in many other sayings of Jesus. Luke 6:38 clearly tells us that give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” The words of Jesus teach us to have unselfish character by giving what we are willing to give or what we could give to the needy.
Firstly, giving is a manifestation of a genuine love that comes from God. The bible clearly teaches us the very basic meaning or the most important word is all about God’s love for sinners that He gave His one and only Son. So God also wants us to give our true love to Him and towards others in order to extend His kingdom and to save the lost.  
A missionary in Burma Adoniram Judson was imprisoned for nearly two years. While he was in jail he was not well fed but his wife faithfully visited him and gave him food. Despite his experiences, still he had full compassion for Burmese people. He said that, "I will not leave Burma, until the cross is planted here forever!" After his released from jail, he started his work translating the bible in Burmese and shared the gospel. But because of some political reason he was caught and put into jail again. He was forbidden to speak to his fellow prisoners except rarely, and was denied water and clothing. His fellow prisoners were whipped and led forth for execution. He never knew what day would be his turn. Aside from that, he was hooked by sicknesses. As he went through all these, he breathed out a prayer saying………...
"Lord, let me finish my work. Spare me long enough to put Thy saving Word into the hands of a perishing people." The prayer was answered. He was able to finish what he prayed for and many people came to know Christ.
 A genuine love comes from God and those who truly know Him gave their lives for the lost. Giving is not just about being able to give money or our possessions. Giving can be by a sacrifice of time, effort and abilities for God’s sake. Let’s check ourselves today where we are, regarding giving our possessions, time and effort in serving God and to the lives of others.
Secondly, true Giving is a heartfelt attitude: 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, Each man should give what he has decided in his heart what to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.Christian Giving is an attitude of seeing people through the eyes of God. So, giving must be our attitude, and when we give, we must not expect something in return, instead be happy that we are able to share what we have.
Let me tell you a person who had no money but was willing to give what he had. He was Martin of Tours who contributed to the popularity of monastic ideal. Martin, along with his friends was entering the city of Amiens which is now known as France. An almost naked and shivering beggar asked them for alms but Martin had no money, so what he did was, took off his cape (which is a sleeveless outer garment that fits closely at the neck and hangs loosely over the shoulders) cut it in two, and gave half to the beggar. And according to the story, later in his dreams Martin saw Jesus coming to him, wrapped in half a soldier’s cape, and saying: “in as much as you did it to one of the least of these brethren, you did it to me.” 
This story teaches us that we don’t have to be a rich person to help the people who are in need; we can just share or give what we have or what we are willing to give. Giving must be our attitude in sharing God’s blessing to others and when we give we must not expect something in return, instead, we must praise God that we can be a giver to our fellow friends.
Lastly, Giving is a privilege: Privilege means “A special right that a particular person or a group of people has or having special advantages that all people do not have.” There will be a specific time for us to show our loving kindness to others who are in need of help. Hebrews 13:16 says,And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” This passage clearly tells us to do good and share with others. There will be unexpected time that we will need to give our time and effort for others.
In 2007, the best friend of my sister was seriously sick and she was hospitalized. One day I went to visit her with some of her friends. When we got there, a nurse who took care of her told us that she needs 2 bottles of blood. At that time, I didn’t even know my blood type and so I talked to the nurse and she told me to check my blood type whether I could donate for her or not. So, I checked my blood and fortunately we have the same blood type and so I donated one bottle for her. In this kind of situation, we need to take action at the right time because the same chance for a hopeless person may not come back to us unless we do it at the right time.
Conclusion: Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we may not be a great missionary, we may not be a rich man, but each one’s has a privilege to share what we have. Living a Life of giving comes from a genuine love, it comes from a heartfelt attitude which we respond with love and willingness of sharing our privilege with others. Let us be a blessing to others through giving whatever we could for “it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 09, 2014 PCCF Weekly Online Sermon

The Purpose of Christian Suffering
(Job, 1:21, 19:25-27, 23:10, 28:1)
Saya Yaw Tar
Saya Yaw Tar 

Suffering is the part and parcel of Christian life. When we suffer for the sake of Christ, God gives us grace to endure in it. Apostle Paul says, “for to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Phil 1: 29).
Why do Christian suffering? Why there is suffering in Christian Life? Why God permits suffering in Christian the life of Christian? If suffering is an universal fact what is the purpose of Christian suffering? The book of Job gives the answer to these and many others question. We shall look at the purpose of Christian suffering.

1.      To build our faith in God ( Job 19: 25-27)
God builds Job’s faith and hope in the Lord through the means of suffering. God is not necessarily responsible for our suffering. Righteous suffer because they are righteous. Job suffered not because of his sins. But God wants to build his faith in Him in the time of trials and testing. We should be faithful even in the time of suffering because suffering will build our faith, trusting, hope and confidence in the Lord.
        The book of Job said, 19:25 “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth”. He had a great faith and hopes in God his redeemer. Furthermore, Job says in chapter 13:15, “Though he slays me, yet will I trust him”. God wants to build up our faith and trust in Him. Do we really trust in Him when we go through such kind of Suffering in Our lives?

2.      To prove our patience ( Job 1-2; James 1:3)
      James says, “Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance”. (James 1:3) It means God wants to prove our long suffering by putting trials and testing in our lives. Suffering s the best time when we show our real character and nature towards God and others.
         Let me tell you a real story; there was a pastor and his wife. They had a young Child. This child had been going under serious sickness. In one Sunday this child was died. Shortly often the death of the child the Pastor was almost decided to leave the ministry. He said, “this is not patience. You know that Job was still patient even when he lost all that man belonged to him.
 He Lost:    
1.      His oxen and donkeys are stolen ( Job 1:14-15)
2.      His sheep and herdsmen are burned up by fire (Job 1:16)
3.      His camels and stolen and his servants killed by Chaldean (Job 1:17)
4.      His sons and daughters perished in a mighty wind (job 1:18-19)
5.      He himself got a terrible case of boils (Job 2:7-8
In all these Job never sin against God and his sovereignty. He was patient even in suffering of his life. He patiently waited upon the Lord for his comfort and cure. Job is the best example for the believers today. In the New Testament, Apostle Paul says “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance”. Romans 5:3. Apostle James said “Testing of your faith work patience”, James 1:3
And as you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered”, James 5:11. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The lord is full of compassion and mercy”. 

3.      To purify our lives (Job 23:10;28:1)
God purified Job’s life through the means sufferings. Sometimes suffering comes because of our sins, sometimes it comes from God so that He wants to purify our life of cleans, our life. Job says, “And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God”, (Job 19:26).
In the New Testament, James says, “Blessed is the man that endures testing or trials by which he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life”, (James 1:12). Sufferings will make our life as pure as gold which refined by fire. Suffering will purify our life just as gold is purified by fire.

Finally, To Glorify God (Job 1:21)
We should glorify God through our sufferings, trials and testing. Job says, “Came out of my mother’s womb with necked, and necked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised”. (Job 1:21)
In all this, Job never sinned against God; rather he glorified God in his sufferings. We must glorify God in times of suffering, testing, trials and temptations. Our ultimate purpose to live her in this world is to glorify our Living God. Are we really glorifying God through our sufferings in our lives?
There was a lady who had an opportunity to do a higher study in London. She was a Christian as well as a good singer. As her studies progress, she was found with a terrible sickness, that was cancer! By knowing the fact that she was a cancer patient, she was still happy, and she still sings songs for the Lord and glorified God through that terrible suffering in life. One day, she went to be with the Lord. She glorified God even in her death.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, as we have seen about for purpose of Christians’ suffering from the book of Job, we should know the fact that what is the purpose of God in Christian suffering? The purposes of Christians’ Sufferings are:
1.      To build our solid faith in God.
2.      To prove our patience
3.      To purify our life and
4.      To glorify God.
Therefore, we should glorify our God through the pain that we go through, the difficulties that we face every day, the sufferings that we experience.

May God bless you all!