Saturday, February 19, 2011

One Voice (Chin National Day)

One Voice (Chin National Day)


Van Biak Thang

No longer could the Chins stand the colony

Nor could they bear the hands of nobility;

Undaunted yet united they made their ways

Towards liberty they thus yearned in one voice.

Despite steep mountains and deep vales in between,

Days and nights on foot they traversed to the scene;

No rains and storms stopped their long journey and choice;

Together the Chins sought and fought in once voice.

Years of struggles for equal rights and freedom

To the Chins begot a national custom-

Chin National Day, brought up in harmony,

Marking the strength of once voice in unity.

Today ought the Chins to heed the tapestry

That history wove into a net of beauty,

Intertwined in the spirit of brotherhood,

In one voice firmly and steadily they stood.

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