Monday, April 8, 2013

Bible Text: Romans 3:21-31


My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, a Blessed Sunday to every one of you!
In our Christianity belief there is a very important substance is Faith that helps us to be more reliable in our belief and the assurance of our salvation through Jesus Christ. When we were still sinner and not deserving to receive forgiveness, Christ died for forgiveness of all our sins and to give salvation. Apostle Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ had shared his understanding in his letter about the way of becoming the righteous as an exhortation to believers of Jews and Gentiles in Rome and every Christians around the world.
All we know that no one is perfect and righteous before the Lord. All of us as we got born as being of a sinner because of our forefather’s sin that we had inherited. There is no way to wipe out our sins or be forgiven and become a righteous. Because, when there was sinned the law also given. So that the sin is subjected to the law. But, we are so blessed that we are given a great opportunity to be forgiven all of our sins and become a righteous by amazing grace of Father almighty God. Since Christ died on the cross, our sins had been wipe out and forgiven; past, present and future sin by the blood of the righteous one Jesus Christ and absolutely set us free from the slavery bondage of sin. That is completely a free gift of our gracious God and accordance with His sovereign redemptive will of work. So that becoming a righteous is neither because of our good deeds nor our qualifications, but of our Faith in Jesus and a gracious free gift of the righteous God.
As we are human being and still living in the world, we may commit sin in our every daily life. Because we cannot become a perfect one by ourselves, except the Holy Spirit is not working within us. We have to confess our sins before the Lord and ask for forgiveness. God has promised to that we will be justified by grace and make us holy because we have Jesus Christ in our life, who died for us as a ransom of our sins and resurrected to give us eternal life. So that the moment when we accept, believe and confess that Jesus Christ died for our sins and He is Lord and Savior, we have become a righteous through Jesus Christ by our faith. But, if we ignore it, we cannot become a righteous and still in slavery of sin which is subjecting the law.  Even though Jesus Christ was a Jew, salvation was come from Him to all whether Jews or Gentiles those who believe in Him.
So there is none God of Jews or God of Gentiles. Because, God is only one, God of Jews and of Gentiles. Since we are not subjected to the law no need to worry whether we are Jews and Gentiles or circumcised and uncircumcised. Because Faith is the true medium of justification, not circumcision. We become righteous and are saved by faith through Jesus Christ.
 May God abundantly pour His heavenly blessings upon those who are saved by faith through Jesus Christ! Amen.

Pastor Lal Him Lian Loncheu Pahim
A.B.Th, Immanuel Theological Seminary

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